sábado, 26 de agosto de 2023


Por Arnoldo Fernández Verdecia

Donde quiera reina, es normal decirla, tan normal, que ya es parte de la cotidianidad. La dice el caballo en el establo mayor y su efecto corre de potro en potro, todos agregan su parte, al final, es una mentira tan hermosa, que duele negarla, incluso nadie se atreve a ir contra ella, porque tiene guardianes capaces de cualquier cosa; si te atreves a ver alguna sombra, algo que no la ayude, te consideran enemigo. Merece estatuas, obeliscos, agradecerle, porque es una mentira muy buena, de esas mentiras que sólo llegan una vez en la vida y es de malagradecidos oponerle la verdad. Es una moda, todos quieren aprender a expresarla bien, tanto por vía oral como por escrito, para no defraudar al caballo, a los potros, a los potricos... Ensayan formas rebuscadas al comunicarla. Crean contralorías para evaluarla. Elevan informes con ella. Son muy felices al decirla en una tribuna, en un acto, en una fiesta... Nunca antes la mentira había ganado tanto. Es momento de declarar a la mentira, monumento nacional, porque no es posible avanzar sino es con ella, lo es todo, pasado, presente, futuro, entonces, no queda otro camino que pedirle a la UNESCO valore la posibilidad de considerar la mentira, patrimonio intangible de la nación.

1 comentario:

  1. Hey there, Arnoldo! Just finished reading your article on "La Mentira," and I must say, it was quite an eye-opener. You've really nailed the essence of deception and its impact on our lives. The way you delved into the various forms of lies and their consequences was not only thought-provoking but also brilliantly written.

    Your insights on how little white lies can snowball into something much bigger struck a chord with me. It's amazing how we often underestimate the power of honesty and the trust it can build. Your article reminds us all that sometimes the simple act of telling the truth, no matter how difficult, is essential for maintaining genuine connections with others. I loved your real-life examples; they made the concepts so relatable.

    On a personal note, I've had my fair share of encounters with deceit, and your article made me reflect on those moments. It's always refreshing to see someone tackle such a universal topic with such clarity and depth. Your writing style is engaging, and I can't wait to read more from you. Keep up the fantastic work, and I'll be eagerly awaiting your next piece!


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